Friction springs act as buffers to absorb high levels of kinetic energy from a moving mass. They also work as overload-protection devices and handle high forces in a relatively small package. The springs are manufactured in a wide range of various diameters from 80 to 400 mm.
- Buffers
- Draw gears
- Draw bars
- (Semi) automatic couplers
Regular service keeps friction springs in operation with minimal costs for decades. We offer service of friction springs according to UIC 827-2.
Process Description:
Regular service of friction springs advantage:
- Energy absorption
- Speed independence
- Temperature independence
- Overload protection
- 12 months guarantee
Axtone s.r.o.
Dolni 100
CZ-796 01 Prostejov, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 (0) 582 312684-98