The Axtone Group


We create value by striving to be the best partner for our customers, by delivering elements, systems and services for rail-vehicles.


The company's vision has been developed based on 4 objectives:

  1. Financial objective - Consistent commitment to good financial results of the company. Running and developing the company based on solid economic foundations while constantly improving the profitability.
  2. Market objective - Striving to achieve the position of a leading supplier of modern solutions for rolling stock and the position of the market leader in the production of traction and buffing gear for freight cars, passenger cars, engines and urban transport vehicles.
  3. Structural objective - Constant improvement of the business, following the needs of customers, creating new products and entering new markets.
  4. Human resources objective - Providing employees with a fair salary and competitive working conditions. Commitment to improving their qualifications, promoting a work safety culture and business ethics.

Objectives of CSR activities

In terms of CSR activities, Axtone approaches its activities in a comprehensive and holistic manner. They are based on three key goals:

  • Providing sustainable human resources management through professional employee development, competence and skills improvement.
  • Promoting positive relations with the local community the goal comprises the group’s social and charity activities.
  • Promoting pro-environmental solutions and behaviours  by environmental education and reduction of the Axtone Group's negative impact on the natural environment.

Good CSR practices:

1.Sponsorship for the Logistics Class in cooperation with the Kańczuga School Complex

The Technical School of Logistics has become part of the educational opportunity offered by the Kańczuga School Complex. Our company provided the sponsorship for the class. Establishing a cooperation between the School and the Axtone Group helps young people to prepare for their working life by giving them an opportunity to receive not only theoretical education but to gain experience as well. As part of the sponsorship, our Company provides the students with internship opportunities and educational equipment. Moreover, the three top students will receive a scholarship of 100 to 200 zlotys monthly.

2. Supporting local initiatives. Financial support for local special education centres

The Axtone Group provides financial support for local special education centres (kindergartens, schools, orphanages). Every year we participate in the campaign for the students of the primary school in Kańczuga called ‘Walk to school safely’. We also support two other campaigns: ‘Help the kids survive winter’ and ‘The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity’.

3. Be flexible with Axtone. Polish competition for students of technical universities

In order to build long-term cooperation with technical universities and to promote young talents, the AXTONE Company organizes the national Polish competition for students of technical universities - BE FLEXIBLE WITH AXTONE. The winners will enjoy a three-month internship - an opportunity to learn about the day-to-day business of our organisation. Read more about the competition in the News section.

4. Development of the staff: professional development, competence and skills improvement

Axtone’s employees are one of the most important groups of their stakeholders. So their development is a crucial part of our CSR activities. Axtone’s employees upgrade their professional qualifications and broaden their skills by participating in numerous on-site trainings, conferences, courses, development and mentoring programs. We provide our employees with the environment to share knowledge and experience with the aim of improving operational efficiency of the organization.

We cooperate with the following railway organizations:

  • Association of Railcar Users and Manufacturers (ARUM)

 Association of Manufacturers and Users of Railway Rolling Stock

  • Allianz pro Schiene


"The alliance for the promotion of safe and environmentally friendly rail transport. In Germany’s most unconventional transport alliance, 24 non-profit organisations and over 150 companies from every part of the railway sector work closely in permanent collaboration. The motivation is the promotion and improvement of rail transport in Germany."

  • DIN Standards Committee Railway (FSF)


"The DIN Standards Committee Railway (FSF) is responsible for all railway-specific standardization work in the field of

  • rolling stock,
  • railway infrastructure
  • and system-related matters

with the exception of electrical and electronic applications."


 "IFV BAHNTECHNIK (Interdisciplinary Railway Research Association) is an interdisciplinary, independent and international organisation, involving approx. 13000 members, partners and supporters from almost all relevant sectors of the transport industry and fields of science. We support research projects from our partners in all areas of railway and traffic oriented research by connecting demander and supplier systematically as well as representatives from service businesses, leading research facilities, associations, administration and politics."

  • Verband der Bahnindustrie in Deutschland (VDB)

 "The German Railway Industry Association (VDB) unites the manufacturers of all products for the railway operation – i.e. manufacturers of vehicles, control and safety technologies, infrastructure as well as the suppliers and service companies belonging to them – under its roof.VDB organises the expert exchange of experiences of the members and bundles the interests of the branch. What will become more and more important for the future and has already been important so far, is the representation of interests towards politics, customers, media, financial institutions and other associations – both nationally and internationally."

  • Verband der Güterwagenhalter in Deutschland e.V. (VPI)

"The VPI represents the interests of private wagon keepers in Germany. We ensure good technical, legal and operational framework conditions in rail freight transport."

  • Verband der deutschen Federindustrie e.V. (VDFI)


The VDFI is the professional association of the German industry for metal springs.

  • UNIFE - The European Rail Supply Industry Association